February 2025

Socialism 2018

Reported by Lawanya Ramajeyam Refugee Rights campaign have taken part in Socialism 2018 – a weekend of discussion and debated on ideas to change the world. It brought together trade unionists, activists and campaigners across the country linking the struggle and fighting for the rights of all.  This successful...

Worse than prison: life inside Britain’s 10 deportation centres

Thanks The Guardian Blue flipflops, styrofoam plates and the daily clunk of the cells shutting: immigrants describe the grim reality of deportation ‘jails’ In some senses they look, sound, smell and taste just like prisons: bland food, bleak corridors, standard-issue tracksuits and blue flip-flops, and the mechanical clunk at...

Private contractors paid millions to run UK detention centres

Thanks The Guardian Figures reveal some firms may be making up to 30% profit on Home Office contracts The Home Office has paid a handful of private contractors hundreds of millions of pounds to run the UK’s immigration removal centres, but no one knows for certain just how profitable...

Protests win temporary halt to refugee evictions in Glasgow

  Thanks: https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/27793/08-08-2018/protests-win-temporary-halt-to-refugee-evictions-in-glasgow Socialist Party Scotland members on the Glasgow protest, photo Matt Dobson   (Click to enlarge) Matt Dobson, Socialist Party Scotland After large-scale protests, including legal challenges and activists preparing to occupy properties against evictions and lock changes, multinational company Serco has been forced to grant a temporary...

Protest against move by Serco to evict refugees

On 4 August the Refugee Rights Campaign (RRC) organised a protest in front of  the head office of company Serco in Victoria, London. Serco is a multimillion company that profits from contracting services including from the Home office, NHS and other public services.     This protest was organised...

No Evictions of Refugees in Scotland (Glasgow)

    Defend Refugee Rights For mass action against evictions Fight for decent jobs and homes for all   For mass resistance by trade unions, tenants organisations, workers and youth against evictions, prepare to occupy properties against Serco attempts to evict! Kick Serco out of public sector contracts. Demand...

Suicides raise alarm about UK’s treatment of child refugees

Thanks The Guardian Three Eritrean teenagers killed themselves after travelling to Britain without their parents   Alexander Tekle was ‘stressing about Home Office things’, according to a friend. Photograph: Family At least three teenage refugees who arrived in Britain from the migrant camp in Calais have killed themselves in...

Solidarity Day 2018

Solidarity Day 2018, an annual event organised by Tamil Solidarity took place on the 16th June in Central London. The success of the event has shown once again the growing support of the Tamil Solidarity (TS) campaign for the unique approach it has taken amongst the Tamil diaspora organisations....

Press release: Refugee rights campaign

There has been systematic failure of refugees by the Home Office. This is shown in the Refugee Action report, but that is just one source of evidence. The report reveals how those who flee persecution or war are mistreated by the Home Office. At various stages of the asylum...